Author Steven Lake

Time Is Running Out - Are You Ready?
Thursday, December 18th, 2014 1:28pm
Keywords: (None)

Anyone who lives on this planet and hasn't been hiding in some isolated cave out in the middle of nowhere knows what's been happening in this world.  They know about the wars, the famine, the disease, and the financial woes.  Bible prophesy is visible everywhere today and coming true at an alarming rate.  You would have to be willfully blind to deny that the end times ARE HERE.  Not coming.  HERE.  They are right over us like the squall line of a powerful thunderstorm, meaning that all that remains now is for the rain and hail to begin falling.

That will come soon enough on its own.  In fact, if you've been keeping up with things which, as I said, you'd have to be living under a rock not to, you know that Jonathan Cahn, the messianic preacher who wrote "The Harbinger" has also released a book called "The Shemitah" (pronounced "Sheh-me-tah") detailing a sort of ongoing biblical prophesy centered around the sabbatical year (see Jonathan Cahn's teaching on this topic.) in which God would either bless a nation who is following His rules and statutes, or punish them if they choose instead to commit willful, blatant national sin.  And believe me, America is deep, deep, deep in national sin and refuses to repent of its evil.

As such, since our nation clearly is defiantly anti-God these days, and clearly wants nothing to do with Him, the only thing that God can do now is to shake this nation to its core, and that's what this warning is about.  God is about to shake America to its core in ways we've never seen before.  It'll even make the horrors of the Great Depression look like a cake walk.  In fact He is about to shake the whole world to the point that whatever can be shaken WILL BE SHAKEN.  That includes the complete and total destruction of our very idolatrous money system and the vain worship of things rather than the Creator of all things.  Namely God.  By taking those things away God will seek to show us the foolishness of our dependence on them rather than Himself.

This isn't something you can escape.  Everyone will have to go through it, from greatest to least, and from the greatest super saint to the most black hearted heathen.  That then begs the question, are you ready for what is coming?  Nobody really knows on what day the crash will come, as things are already accelerating rapidly towards an epic financial implosion of biblical proportions.  However, the most likely date for that event is September 13, 2015.  As such I have setup a countdown clock on my site pointing to that very day, September 13th, 2015, which you may use however you feel, be that for your own purposes, or to warn others.

Remember, the day of the collapse this clock points to isn't necessarily the day it will happen, as it can come much sooner if God wants it to.  But at this time that day is the most likely out of all the possible days for the collapse to happen.  If a better date comes up in the meantime, then I'll update the counter.  But until then, the number of days it lists is all that remains until the Shemitah comes, the Jubilee begins, and our world is forever turned on its head as every money system in the world dies a quick, sudden and painful death.  Now before I finish I want to unequivocally state that I'm NOT FEAR MONGERING.  I'm merely passing on a warning for all to hear.  Why?  Well, if I'm wrong, what so you have to lose?  But if I'm right, how much do you stand to gain by being warned before the disaster hits?  You stand to gain a lot, and lose little.

And before I go I have one more thing to say.  If you are saved, and firmly rooted in Jesus Christ, your life will be spared.  If you are not, no matter how much you prepare, your life is in grave danger.  Jesus is the ark that will save you through the storm, not out of it.  Everyone will have to go through the storm, but only those who are safely in the ark of salvation through Jesus Christ alone will safely come through the storm.  Everyone else will drown, albeit it figuratively in most cases.  But even so you will not survive what's coming without Christ.  Because if the coming crash doesn't get you, the Tribulation will.  If you're not saved, you need to be.  And once you are, you then need to become rapture ready.

With all that said, I must one last time remind you.  A great disaster is coming, but so is Jesus Christ.  Are you ready?

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