Author Steven Lake
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Theory On The Coming Super Plague, Economic Collapse, and Great Spiritual Revival
Thursday, August 1st, 2024 1:22pm
Keywords: Thesis, Plague, Disease, Economic Collapse, Revival, Last Days

Hi everyone, in this article I will try to lay out everything that I understand to you on this topic, the expected timeline, and how it will unfold over a period of what I believe to be about three months, give or take a little.  And I'm not saying it'll be an exact three months, so don't quote me on that.  Instead I see that the predicted three months will be an approximate timeframe for the completion of these events.  And please bear with me through all of this.  There's going to be a LOT to go over, which I will try my best to summarize.  But, before I begin, I first need to set the groundwork for this thesis so that I can then lay out the timeline as I see it, and in a way that you can understand and comprehend how I anticipate the events will play out.  So anyhow, let's begin.

The Prophecies:
To start things out, I refer you to the parent prophecy for this event:

As well as a similar, related parent prophecy that is its near kin (ie, same event, different viewpoint):

The second prophecy appears to be an alternate view of this plague, as in "this is how we get there" rather than "this is what's going to happen."  It does tell what'll happen, so much as how we get there, and in surprising detail even.  So let's start by focusing on the sources (the name we use for modern prophecies at Prophecy Index to help differentiate them from bible prophecies) that speak about a coming super plague that will kill 350 million people globally.  Those prophecies are as follows:

Plague Prophecies:
1. (Brandon Biggs)
2. (Kent Christmas)
3. (Kent Christmas)
4. (Liberty Turnipseed)
5. (Robin Bullock)
6. (Timothy Dixon)
7. (Timothy Dixon)
8. (Timothy Dixon)
9. (Julie Green)
10. (Julie Green)
11. (John Paul Jackson)
12. (John Paul Jackson)
13. (Sadhu Sundar Selveraj)
14. (Brandon Biggs)

So these are the 14 sources that I know of so far.  Next, I will present a list of prophecies that are related to this timeframe, that will happen in conjunction with the above mentioned plague, both as contemporary events, and as a result of it.

Related Parent Prophecies:

That's the list of parent prophecies that I believe go with this super virus event.  Next, I want to lay out a series of dreams that I've had over the years which I believe, in part, also point to this same time period, and events.  Now, before I go further, I want to strongly express that I am NOT a prophet.  While God does give me prophetical dreams, some of which I believe add context to this theory with a "from the street" view of what's coming, I wouldn't call them "prophecies" in the traditional sense.  I'm only including these dreams here because I know that God likes to use bits and pieces of what He shows me to tell or explain bigger, and wider truths to me.  So anyhow, here's the list of dreams that I was given that I believe are relevant to the above prophecies:

My Dreams:
21. (this one is my dad's)

Anyhow, that's the ones I wanted to add in that God's given me.  Yes, it's quite a few, but there's also a LOT of useful information in those.  So I ask that you read these, and the prophecies above, first so you get a background on what those are about, along with the prophecies I listed above them.  You don't have to, but I think it'll help you build the image in your mind of what God's saying a little better as I go about explaining things.

Economic Collapse, Reset, And Great Revival
This prophecy below speaks of a global economic collapse, which I believe will come on the heals of this virus, and be a result of it, because everyone will be sequestered in their homes, either willingly, or unwillingly, causing the economy to completely implode globally.  This isn't the only one listed on the site.  However, I think only one is needed for this explanation.  If you want to read the others, please do.  They will be found under "Global Economic Reset", "A New American Dollar", "God's Supernatural Wealth Transfer To The Righteous" and a few others.  You can use the search tool on the site to explore all of these.


How I Expect Events To Play Out
Okay, so here's my theory.  At some point in the near future a very powerful bioweapon, a virus by my understanding, will be released upon the world. (1)(2)(11)(12)(23)(24)  This will lead to the deaths of 350 million people (1)(4), with about 30 million of those being in the USA alone. (1)  There will be NO cure for this disease. (2)(13)  However, this disease will ONLY afflict the unsaved, and NOT Christians. (2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(10)(22)  Christians will be divinely protected. (2)(3)(8)(22)  This will lead to a massive wakeup call for the Church (1)(6)(22) and kick off a massive revival (5)(17)(25) that will spread to the entire world. (6)(17)(25)  This disease will produce boils, or at least a pox, that will resemble chicken pox. (9)(11)(13)  Because of the fear this will create, everyone will flee indoors (21)(22)(24)(29) and shelter in place for up to 3 months. (21)(22)(24)(33)

The virus itself should, in theory, run its course within the first month.  However, the aftermath it will create will last up to a full three months, as indicated above.  During this time Jesus will come to His church (24)(27) and awaken them (22)(24)(27) in preparation for the great soul harvest (17). (this goes with my previous wakeup call comment above, just in more detail)  During this same timeframe, due to the above virus, and the sequestering indoors, which will lead to a total shutdown and collapse of the economy, the stock market will collapse (16), along with the global economy (19) leading to a massive economic storm (20)(32)(33) unlike anything before it.  This storm, while it will look bad for the rest of the world (20)(32)(33), it will not affect believers.  Or, if it does, it'll be minor.  For some in the world, it'll appear like a light afternoon thunderstorm (33), but for others it'll be a violent and powerful storm of great destruction (32).

Even so, believers will be sheltered safely. (20)(32)(33)  During this time God will also supercharge believers, and give them miraculous gifts of healing, and other things (14)(18)(22).  Then He will then send them out to begin healing and evangelizing (22)(25)(29) the world.  During the early part of this event, the entire world will experience a great famine (21) due to the economy being shut down, and nothing moving.  But this will slowly begin to reverse itself after everything is completely reset (19), and a new economy rises up that will bring about great riches for believers, and a large portion of the world (34) after which everyone will return to their jobs, their lives, and their world. (21)  But it'll be a newer, better world.

Anyhow, that's the theory.  Please let me know your thoughts on this.  Also, please be aware that what I've already touched on isn't everything.  This is a "perfect storm" of events that can't properly be compressed into a little 3 page thesis.  So what I am able to to is merely a light summary of what I see coming.  There's also going to be things like home churches, stadiums and movie houses being filled with revival, and much more that will happen during, and immediately after this tiny little spot in time.  There will also be a great resetting of the world order (31) so that the "old guard" is taken out, and removed, the people freed, and a kingdom period born.  If you want to learn more on this, I strongly, strongly recommend taking some time and crawling through Prophecy Index to see all the upcoming events that will roll out in rapid fire succession very soon.

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