Author Steven Lake
BLOG (2)

Safety in Christ
Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 10:25am
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Thought for the day. Anytime you feel that God can't do a miracle in your life, remember this. He parted a sea, raised the dead, and fed five thousand from a young boy's sack lunch. And if you should ever feel that God can't defend you, remember that He saved Israel by slaying 185,000 Asyrians in ON ... View More

You Can't Be Freed Until Your Heart Is Changed
Friday, May 16th, 2014 10:02am
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While listening to some of my favorite bible teachers this week an interesting thing was pointed out to me.  For those of you who know the gospels, or the bible for that matter, you'll remember very clearly that the Jews believed that Christ had come, as God has said, to free them.  Howeve ... View More

A Story About The Burden Of The Cross
Monday, April 28th, 2014 10:26am
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In a discussion with my mother this morning we came across the discussion of patience and training.  My mother has dementia and also a unique promise given to her by God.  She is to go through this time of mental trouble for an as yet unspecified period at the end of which she will be heal ... View More

The Introduction (A Christian Short Story)
Friday, March 21st, 2014 12:13pm
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"The Introduction" is a Christian parable/short story I did a couple years ago that I shared with my church and a few other people, but really didn't get much traction or distribution.  However lately it seems to be picking up steam and gaining some interest.  So in order for others, who h ... View More

Priorities of life
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 9:55pm
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Here's a thought for you guys to chew on tonight. Years ago a friend of mine, a very rich man who'd been successful all his life, told me a little secret that he practiced daily which pretty much summarized the entirety of his astounding success. That secret to fabulous business success (assuming yo ... View More

True Christians Can't Be Jew Haters
Thursday, December 26th, 2013 2:12pm
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Okay, here's a thought for any of you who are Christians, or claim Jesus as your savior.  If you hate the Jews, you hate Jesus as well.  Yes, the very same Jesus you claim to love and cherish, if you hate Jews, you actually hate him.  Why?  It's not because the Jews are God's peo ... View More

Proof that God does meet our needs
Saturday, December 21st, 2013 9:34am
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Hey everyone, good morning. I've got a cool story for you today. Yesterday, while out shopping, I got to be the recipient of a God gifting. What do I mean? Well, I left the house with two $20's in my pocket and went out to begin picking up some stuff I needed. I know that's all I had because I'd che ... View More

Please help me share Manna with everyone!
Sunday, December 8th, 2013 10:01pm
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I wanna ask everyone a favor.  The book I've written titled "Manna - Trusting in the Provision of God", discusses the provision of God, and is meant to reach out to others suffering under poverty, with doubt about God's provision, with issues of greed, those trapped in the &qu ... View More

Testimony of Healing and Faith
Friday, October 18th, 2013 10:47am
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I think I've posted this before, but if not, I'm posting this again because I feel that everyone needs to read it again.---------------------------------------------A Testimony of Healing and FaithSomething for you to think about tonight. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is seen several times healing ... View More

In what do you trust?
Thursday, October 17th, 2013 1:52pm
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Thought for the day.  Who or what do you run to first?  When there is trouble, do you reach for your gun first, or your God?  The reason I ask is I'm seeing more and more people these days who are reaching for their "gun", (in my example it doesn't have to be a physical firearm, but r ... View More

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