Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Dream: The Blackout
Sunday, July 21st, 2024 2:45pm
Keywords: Dream, Darkness, Outage, Divine, Blackness, Absolute, Light

In this dream I was standing in my living-room and looking out the blinds at the street beyond.  The time was roughly noonish.  I then turned and sat down at my computer to start working.  But as soon as I did, I immediately felt something, like a move of the Holy Spirit.  A moment later I heard a "bzzt".  Not the kind as if something had shorted out.  It was more the kind you'd hear when someone turned off the power.  Immediately after this everything instantly went dark.  And not just the PC.  I mean, literally everything went out.  There was no power, no lights, nothing.  Even stranger, the sun was completely switched off as well.  Yes, the sun literally went instantly dark.

So it was now as absolutely pitch black as if you were deep in a cave, without a stitch of light anywhere.  But they weren't out because of a power outage, or an EMP, or anything like that.  They were divinely turned off.  IE God had turned everything off, the sun included, and nothing would turn them back on again except Him.  They would eventually be turned back on, but not until He allowed it.  Now here's where things get stranger.  Flashlights didn't even work.  To make things even weirder, there was not a single light source, no matter what it was, that worked.  Not even matches, candles, lighters, you name it.  None of them would give out any light, nor would they ignite.  Literally, you could not make them light.  So you had absolutely no way to get light, at all, period.  It was an absolute, total, and complete darkness with zero remedy.

I then sorta panicked.  Not like a complete freakout, but rather a concerned anxiety, if you get my meaning.  Upon realizing that I now had zero way to get any light at all, I immediately started praying.  But not in my normal way.  I bowed my head, closed my eyes, folded my hands, and just began saying a simple prayer.  However, it was not like I'd normally pray.  The entire prayer was, "Lord God, help me," with the "help me" part being repeated over and over and over again in rapid fire fashion.  God then awoke me from the dream.  Prior to that I didn't even know I was in a dream.  That's how real it was.  And that's strange in itself because, given my experience with prophetical and regular dreams, I'm pretty good at knowing when I'm in a dream.  But with this one I didn't, which isn't normal.  It literally felt like I was wide awake and going about my regular day.

Another item of note.  When I awoke, I immediately felt peace.  But while I was in the dream, I was scared.  Again, not a deep level scared.  But definitely one of those "What am I gonna do now?" things.

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