Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Christian Pocket Guides Now Free
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 11:29pm
Keywords: Faith, Hope, Love, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Books, Free, Ministry

Since I've mentioned time and time again that the Christian Pocket Guides, which I've written to help others, are strictly a ministry of mine, and NOT meant to be some cash cow to make me rich (trust me, getting right writing books is harder than putting a man on the moon.  No joke), I've decided to make my Ebooks and Audiobooks free for everyone to read, download and share.  I can't do anything to change the cost of the print books, as those cost money to create.  As such, they will continue to sell at cost for me.  So, even though you'll have to pony up $6 each for the print books, I won't get a dime from those sales.  So, at this point, everything that will be done with, and for those books, will be done free of charge to you (or at least at cost to me), and will be 100% strictly ministry focused.

In the end, I pray that each of these four books is both an encouragement to you, and a motivation to serve God with all you heart, soul and mind, and if you're not a Christian, that they will show you the true heart of God, and just how much He loves you, so much so that He paid the ultimate price to save you,  And, feel free to share these books with anyone you wish, as much as you wish.  The only thing I ask is that you don't charge anything for doing that.  I give them to you for free, and you give them to others for free.  Simple enough. :)

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